Wednesday, January 21, 2009

RSS Feeds

With the rising popularity of blogs, it has become increasingly time-consuming to keep track of ones that are of interest. No one has time to check each and every favorite blog every day to search for new content. RSS feeds have become the solution.

RSS feeds are small XML files that contain a headline, date/time and description and link to information published on a blog. When used along with a feed reader, or news aggregator, they give an update on the newest content that has been added to a blogging site to a subscribed user.

RSS was developed in several different versions, each with a different meaning. RSS can stand for Really Simple Syndication, Rich Site Summary or RDF Site Summary, depending on the version used. All versions do the same thing, though. They provide a summary of information. They send a blog’s highlights to subscribers instantly upon publication. RSS feeds save the user from having to visit the site for updates.

To receive RSS feed; a user must have a feed reader, also commonly referred to as a news aggregator. This can be software, a Web-based service, extension or built into a browser. It essentially takes the XML code and translates it into readable information. When the “update” button on the feed reader is clicked, it searches all of the subscribed sites’ RSS feed for new information.

Having a RSS feed greatly increases the traffic to a blogging site because it provides an easy way to keep an audience abreast of the latest developments. Once someone is a subscriber, he will continue to be involved in the site. RSS also makes it easier for someone to add a site as a link onto their own site.

Blogging inherently encourages communication and the transfer of ideas. Blogging lets businesses extend their reach and strengthen consumer loyalty, as well as get people talking about their product. It's a matter of perception, encouraging integrity and strengthing relationships in the corporate world. Blogging has become the trademark of forward thinking companies, willing to suffer a few stings in order to get to the benefits it has to offer.

Blogging tips and strategies

Bloggers will likely increase their exposure by following some simple blog guidelines.

1.) Stay informative.
If you are attempting to create the impression that you are knowledgeable about a specific industry or sector, be sure that you stay current on news. If you are endorsing a product or voicing an opinion, be sure to check your facts; your reputation is at stake. If you are offering an opinion, be sure to qualify your post, making it clear that the content is intended as an editorial.

2.) Adhere to a schedule.
Create a schedule and stick to it. Realizing that blogging requires time and effort, don't create unrealistic expectations and be unable to deliver. An occasional lapse or holiday is generally understood but readers returning to find stale, out-dated content are going to find another blog with similar content. New blogs and RSS feeds are popping up on a daily basis. If you have worked hard to develop an audience and a community you don't want to lose them due to lack of communication.

3.) Stay on topic.
Opinions are generally accepted but the content of the items in the blog should all relate to a general theme. Unless you have an uncanny knack for wit, humor or cynicism, the majority of your readers will be interested in the content that relates to a specific defined theme or loosely defined area of interest. Most readers won't care that you eat Cheerios for breakfast. They may, however, be interested in the fact that vinegar takes out stains and that toilet paper rolls make great wreaths. Define a topic and stick to it. This will ensure that you create a loyal following of interested readers.

4.) Keyword-rich.
If the goal of your blog is to increase your visibility, include related keywords in the title of the blog. Use the title as a headline to attract interest. Each item post should have a title that will attract attention but still be relevant to the post. The title should be no longer than 10-12 words.

5.) Old news is not news.
While blogging every day can be a drain, it is important that the information presented is current and accurate, writing an article or blurb about something that happened 6 months ago, will not be of interest to many. Telling your audience that Martha Stewart was convicted and will be going to prison, after her sentence is completed will make people question the value of your columns.

6.) Clarity and simplicity.
Keep your posts and blog entries clear and easy to understand. Remember, the web is global and expressions, idioms and acronyms don't always translate. Sometimes a little explanation goes a long way.

7.) Spell checking and proof-reading.
It only takes a few extra moments and can save you from having to make embarrassing explanations. Remember that whatever you publish on the Internet can be found and archived. Think carefully about what you post before doing so.

8.) RSS.
RSS will increase your blog's reach. It is important that you include your blog's content in an RSS feed to increase readership and distribution.

9.) Quantity matters.
In order to attract the attention of search engines, you will need to develop content and substance. A headline or simple sentence is not going to generate the interest of readers or help with search engine ranking. Be sure to archive old blog posts to develop a large portal of similarly-themed content.

10.) Frequency.
If your blog content is updated frequently, search engines will tend to spider the pages at regular intervals.

Most web log audiences are small, but with time and regular updates audiences grow. Bloggers may never have more than a few hundred readers, but the people who return to regularly are generally interested in what you have to say

What you need to know as a blogger about your target audience.

The types of websites/blogs you operate do not matter but what really matters is how you understand your target audience and what they really want i.e. their priority.

I write my blog with just one person in mind. In my minds
eye I have come to know that person intimately, I understand
his goals, his dreams and his aspirations and I know the
things that really amuse my audience. He is my ideal reader, and he clicks every link I include in my blog post.

frankly speaking, you cannot satisfy all people want and desires all the time.
So, the best strategy is to focus on pleasing the people you
can influence. You don't want passive readers; you want
people who will take action. Readers who will click a link
because you have recommended a new e-Book or a new software
product. Readers who will click the "Buy Now" button and
earn you an affiliate commission.

So, what do you need to know about your target audience?

You will get two types of people coming to your site...
People with whom you have built up a relationship and who
like to read your blog. People who have come to your site
for the very first time. You have two jobs to do. You have
to keep the first type of people coming back and you have to
grab the second type of people's attention, persuade them to
stay long enough to engage their interest and to convert
them to loyal readers.

Always think about what you want to achieve whenever you are online. You should have it at the back of your mind that majority of people online are looking for something. It's unlikely that they are just surfing in a
random fashion, although some people will do that. When
online people are usually looking for specific information
or seeking the solution to a problem.

Your job as a blogger is to make that information, and those
solutions, available so that they can be found. In other
words your content must closely match the wants of your
target audience.

Make sure that your blog has a well defined theme and try to
stick to making posts that stay on topic. Keep up to data
with the news within the theme of your blog and provide your
readers with your opinions on relevant and interesting
items. Encourage feedback and always respond to questions
from your readers.

Use a blog script or service that allows the easy addition
of RSS feeds so that your blog site has fresh new content as
soon as it is available.

Above all remember that each and every visitor to your site
is a real person with feelings and emotions and be prepared
to reveal something yourself in your posts. Your readers are
much more likely to trust you if you allow them to get to
know you.

How to Blog for Profit

I strongly believe that you all know the “do and don’t” of blogging.and you should continuously learn about blogging because it is a daily things.below are the most fantastic ways and method you need to increase your blogging business profitability.

1. A good defined Team Communication. Many organiosation and Companies use the power of blogs internally and externally to communicate project status to stakeholders and managers. This gives the member of the organization easy means to search for any information vitals to the development of the organization. This information is indexed and easily searched.

2. Educate Your Clients/audience. You can easily link to articles and resources relevant to your readers and their needs. You can more easily attract experts to provide value-added content to your audience.

3. Understand your audience. Blog is a personal online journal that draws you nearer to your audience and Nobody buys from someone they don't know. Blogging allows you to demonstrate your expertise and point-of-view quickly and easily. In addition, blogs allow the customers to receive your updates in the format they choose.

4. Create awareness/Collaborate. Create your own marketing buzz to drive the attention of audience/ buyers to your products and services. SAome companies useA internal blogs to report on projects or to track work groups distributed around the world.

5. A good Research and Development. A good research must be conduct on your ideas by receiving a feed back from your readers; this will dramatically bring development by improving in your initial ideas. Blogs are the perfect platform to test your new ideas and receive instant feedback. You can allow others to see how you develop your products and services, and at the same time, they can tell you how best to serve them.

6. Join international forum. You should join international blog around the globe by this, it allow you to take your business and ideas to a global market. Translation services are getting better every day, allowing more people to read online content in different should install translation software that can allow your reader to read their language on your blog.

7. Avoid Entrance to the Press. Journalists are busier than ever and blogs provide a virtual directory of pundits on any topic. You and your company can be the content expert they're looking for. Furthermore, if your company is talked about in the blogosphere it could end up using that exposure as a back door to the press.

8. Get Published. Publishers are turning to blogs to find new writing talent. Blogs can give a publisher a taste of your writing style as well as a sample of your depth of knowledge. Content specific blogs show a a commitment to a certain topic or subject matter.

9. Write your book on your audience view. Let your readers help you write your latest book or article. Post chapters or ideas, then let readers help you in researching, testing and suggesting ideas. Or, use a blog after your book is published to update the material or to answer questions from readers.

10. Post Success Stories. Your audiences need to see and hear testimonies. Invite clients to your blog about their successes with your products and services - it's like a living testimonial that never ends. As clients share their experiences, your prospects can see first-hand how you can help them, too.

Blog basic; 8 Powerful Ways to Grow Your Income from blogging

I believe every entrepreneur seek for ways and methods of improving on their income. And likewise in a blogging world, no webmaster will fold their arms and look their business collapse by not making consistence profit. There is no magic in making profit in business but by keeping the principles and rules of your business.

1.Don't forget to keep your customers updated about your new products or ideas. You should be informative, that is, always keep your customers inform with a related product, service or affiliate program. Follow up every month or so with a new product and watch your income grows.

2.Up sell to your customers. You should introduce your related products to your customers on your order page in order to keep them aware about a few extra related products that you sell. This is a great way to squeeze more profit out from your customer pockets.

3.Let your customers refer new customers for a full rebate of their purchase. It is encourage selling genuine products to your customer so that they can direct another customer to you. This could easily turn one sale into three or four.

4.Keep your customers inform about your affiliate program. As a webmaster marketer, you should always treat your readers/ customers very cordial; let them put their trust in you for any assistance so far. Consequently, they will refer a few people in order to pay back their purchase price and make a profit.

5.Sell resells rights. If you have good information products, it is greatly encouraged that you sell it with your brand new products or to give it away as bonus to your product. You make money selling the resell rights to your product as a back end.

6.Create a package with other people’s products. You could include a sample and offer the product owners a portion of the referral sales from the sample. This is an easy way of having other people sell your product for you.

7.Offer your customers a discount on a related product. The best ever idea to out stage your competitors is to offer a reasonable discount on your related products, since they readily have good relationship with them.

8.Send periodic freebies to your customers. To truly increase the strength of your income, you must find a way of attracting your customers by sending them freebies. This will keep them coming back to your website and purchase.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Increase Your Blog Income Through Rss

log in into your yahoo account, you will be taken to your yahoo page. you should look under the search box to the left and click on the 'add content' link. this will bring you to a new page. from there, over to the right by the 'find button' you will see an 'add rss' link, click it. a simple copy and paste your 'site feed url' from note pad into the webform, and click on the 'add button'.

now you should see your blogs name in front of you. simple feed will be added. the nwext thing you should see is your site feed with your headline, click on one of them , it will definately take you to your blog.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Tips and strategies on how to blog right part 1

The advent of blogs on the internet is becoming more and more important everyday, and its attracting million of people around the globe. By the end of 2008, blogs have greatly established as a key part of online culture to discuss personal experience and promoting business.

step#1.Get a blog.
There are many online free blog hosting services such as where you can get free blog with out paying any cost. This blog also allow blogger to upload their content without worrying about scripting, hosting or programming.

step#.Choose a topic.
There are varrious topic around in which blogger can choose and write about, but it is advisable to write on a topic you know and understand.before creating your blog , you should have a read made topic to write about on your level of interest and knowledge. The higher the level of interest, the easier it is for you to get quality contents posted on your blog.

step#3.Stick to a topic.
Define a topic and try not to deviate from the theme of your topic. This will create and establish a good loyalty between you and your readers,because majority of your readers will be interested in the content that ralated to a specific defined theme that add values to their life.

step#4.Be informative.
Be consistence and frequently updating your blog with fresh content will definately keep your blog alive, because good content is a king. Updating your blog daily and giving valuable advise and opinion to your audience in line to the theme of your topic will keep your readers to come back to your blog always.